Cigars have been a commodity that continues to see an increase in demand with more and more people wanting to have an exclusive experience of it in the USA. The customer base has moved up from cigar users and lovers to cigar enthusiasts who want to have a toast of the cigar in their life.
The Name and History
One of the top cigar brands in the US is Phillies Cigars. This brand is a purely American one, which is produced by the cigar production company, Bayuk Cigars Inc. The current title Phillies wasn’t always the name used for this brand. When the brand was launched into the US market, it was known as the Philadelphia Hand Made. The name though was hard to say for the customers who later shortened it to Phillies which was later adopted by the Bayuk brothers as the new name for their cigar brand.
While the cigar brand still continues to go on strong, there has been a change in the ownership of the company. These cigars are now being produced by Atladis USA, which is owned and operated by Imperial Tobacco Group, one of the largest tobacco companies in Britain.
Cigars in Hiding
Due to the anti tobacco legislation, the government is looking to actively force people into leaving the habit. This has been put into practice by the introduction of newer, more potent and hard hitting regulations on tobacco. One of the most damaging regulations has been the ban enforced on the sale of the tobacco and tobacco products such as cigars to the general public. The primary aim of the regulations that have been imposed is to make sure that people entering a shop are unable to have knowledge that this particular shop sells tobacco.
Getting Your Hands on what you want
The best way for all you cigar enthusiasts to get your hands on your beloved variety of Phillies Cigars is to go online and shop for them. When you go online, all you need to do is to log onto a reliable retail site and order whatever you want. When it comes to buying your favorite cigars, the process is no different.