If you ask a cigar connoisseur, Cuban cigars have long been the gold standard of cigars. Cuban cigars are known as the first cigars cultivated and have set an industry standard due to the richness of the soil used to grow tobacco in Cuba. However, there are some great, high-quality non-Cuban cigars on the market too. It all comes down to taste. Here is some basic information on the origin and difference of the two cigar types: the Cuban cigar and the non-Cuban cigar.
Cuban Cigars
Before 1960, Cuba monopolized top-grade, premium cigar tobacco because they were the only ones growing it. No one in the world cultivated tobacco, other than Cuba. One of the most notable features of the Cuban cigar is its taste. Cuba is known for its rich tobacco growing soil and this fertile region produces some superior quality cigars. Secondly, Cuban cigars use Corojo wrappers made in the 1940’s. Based on its taste and distinct wrappers, the Cuban cigar has long set the benchmark for cigar growers across the globe.
Non-Cuban Cigars
After 1960, many Cuban tobacco growers and well-respected cigar makers left Cuba, but they took Cuban tobacco seed with them. Along with Cuban growers, this premium Cuban seed came into other Caribbean regions for cultivation and sprouted up across other countries like the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. Over the years, many cigars made in other countries are now comparable to that of the Cuban cigars that have served as the benchmark for premium cigars. Many of the cigars you see today use the Cuban seed found in the Caribbean region years ago. This is not a surprise due to the richness of the tobacco seed.
The Real Difference
The flavor of tobacco stems from the soil and climate of the location before the harvesting of tobacco. When it comes to Cuban tobacco, the flavor comes from the soil and curing process. Cigars from Caribbean and Central American countries come from soil like that of Cuba, making them comparable in rich flavor and strength. In today’s market, cigars made in other regions are different in taste and depth, but not inferior to their Cuban counterparts.
Top 3 Non-Cuban Cigars
Want to try a cigar from another country? Here are some of the top cigars on the market. Try these and then compare them to a Cuban cigar to see if there is a notable difference in the taste, strength, and depth of the cigars. Remember, these are only a few of the top cigars in the industry.
i. Padron Serie 1926
2. Xikar HC Series Habano Colorado
3. Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Imperial